Uses for Dried Sage Leaves

Uses for Dried Sage Leaves - House of Niap

Did you know Sage is a popular garden herb and was used medicinally in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicine.

It is now best-known as a culinary herb for the dishes of Autumn, from roast turkey to sausage stuffing to pumpkin soup. It is an Old World herb and was brought to the Americas by colonists for use in their gardens and kitchens. 

Our Common Sage (or Garden Sage) is distinct from White Sage (Salvia apiana) commonly used for smudging. However, both plants have a solid MAGICKAL pedigree, and many of their correspondences are similar.

The genus name Salvia is related to the Latin word salvere, meaning to heal, preserve or redeem

Sage is used to promote wisdom and bring in good luck.

It builds emotional strength and may help to heal grief.

Magickally, Sage is associated with protection and the granting of wishes. It appears in countless spells of kitchen witchery, especially those stemming from European traditions.

When crushed, the dried herb is added to purification incenses.

People who prefer not to use White Sage, either because of allergies or cultural sensitivity, may use Common Sage instead.

- Write a wish on Sage leaf and burn it to release your intention.
- Alternatively, place the leaf under your pillow at night to dream of how your goal will be achieved. 
Carry a Sage leaf in your wallet to attract money. 
Burn Sage incense when seeking knowledge or guidance on a difficult decision. 
Add Sage oil, incense, or herbs to any spell to temper the results with wisdom.

PLEASE NOTE: Occult properties of herbs are provided for historical interest only, and no outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this post should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly. Contact your medical provider prior to use.